The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell *Review*

This was a tough one to rate, I think it would have been more of a 3.5/4 had the ending not been so anti climatic as to edge on comical. The first 3/4 of the book were engaging and had me reading quickly as with all of Jewells’ books, but that ending had me saying.. “wait really, that’s it?”.

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Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor *review*

4.5/5 stars. At first, I wasn’t too sure how I felt about this series. After book one it took me awhile to pick up book two. If you’ve read my review of the first one you’ll see its not because I didn’t like book one, I actually really did, I just felt like I didn’t need a second book, that the characters had told their story and I was just sort of like “eh Im good with it ending here”. Well I did pick up the second book and I am so glad I did! I actually liked it even more than the first and by the end found myself loving the characters and storyline so much, and I hated leaving the world of Weep.

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